About Dr. Mo

Hi, I'm Dr. Mo.

Creator of DocDigital


I always wanted to start my own practice but with a 70% overhead, a brick & mortar practice wouldn't do it. 

I started Digital Nomad Physician in 2015 to help physicians design their location independence. In 2018, I created Digital Nomad Health, my virtual practice. And in 2020, I launched Heart Health Consulting.   

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Why {DocDigital}?


I had none of this information available to me when I first started, which cost me a lot of time and money researching and hiring attorneys and experts to build my online medical practice. 


Private practice physicians can successfully compete with the healthcare conglomerate. Telehealth is in its infancy, and I want us to be the first wave of physicians who make the most out of technology and deliver excellent virtual medical care. 



Meet The Brands


From Clinician to Coaching to Consulting, my healthcare career is everything I want it to be. What do you want out of yours? 

Digital Nomad Physicians

Healthcare Consulting

Heart Health Coach

Health Coach

Digital Nomad Health

Telehealth Physician

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